Macro MoveToOrigin/pl

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Macro MoveToOrigin

Moves the selected location of an object to the Origin.
This macro translates the Placement of an object so that a selected location becomes its new origin. This may be useful when imported objects from other formats like STL or STEP are inconveniently located for further processing by FreeCAD.

Macro version: 00.02
Last modified: 2021-07-07
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Author: Edwilliams16
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This macro translates the Placement of an object so that a selected location becomes its new origin. This may be useful when imported objects from other formats like STL or STEP are inconveniently located for further processing by FreeCAD.


  1. Copy the macro into your Macro Directory. (You can copy and paste into the Macro Editor and save.)
  2. First select, then run the macro. Undo is available.

The following selections are supported:

-- Single Vertex -- moved to origin

-- Single Line Segment -- mid-point moved to origin

-- Single Circle or Circular Arc -- center moved to origin

-- Single Face -- C.G. moved to origin

-- Single Object -- C.G. moved to origin (supports Solid, Shell, Compound and CompSolid)

-- Three Vertices -- Center of circle through the vertices moved to the origin (useful for tessellated circles)

Macro MoveToOrigin.FCMacro

__Title__    = "MoveToOrigin"
__Author__   = "edwilliams16"
__Version__  = "00.02"
__Date__     = "2021.7.7"
debug = False
This macro will adjust the placement of a shape to place a selected feature at the origin.
One vertex:  - to origin
One line segment - midpoint to origin
One circle - center to origin
One arc of circle - center to origin
One face - CG of face to origin
Three vertices - center of circle through vertices to origin
Shape - CG of shape to origin

If the shape is a BaseFeature inside a body, the base feature's placement in the body is adjusted.
# Version 0.01  Original
# Version 0.02 - now handles objects in nested part containers

def circumcenter(A, B, C):
    '''Return the circumcenter of three 3D vertices'''
    a2 = (B - C).Length**2
    b2 = (C - A).Length**2
    c2 = (A - B).Length**2
    if a2 * b2 * c2 == 0.0:
        print('Three vertices must be distinct')
    alpha = a2 * (b2 + c2 - a2)
    beta = b2 * (c2 + a2 - b2)
    gamma = c2 * (a2 + b2 - c2)
    return (alpha*A + beta * B + gamma * C)/(alpha + beta + gamma)

def centerofmass(subshapes):
    mass =0.0
    moment = App.Vector(0, 0, 0)
    for sh in subshapes:
        mass += sh.Volume
        moment += sh.Volume * sh.CenterOfMass
    return moment/mass  

def globalCG(obj, removeLocalOffset=True):
    '''Find COM of object in global coordinates
      remove local offset per'''
    gpl = obj.getGlobalPlacement()
    pl = obj.Placement
    rpl= gpl.multiply(pl.inverse())
    if removeLocalOffset:
        return rpl.multVec(obj.Shape.CenterOfMass)
        return gpl.multVec(obj.Shape.CenterOfMass)

def globalGCGHierarchy(obj):
    ''' Compute global COM of an object hierarchy'''
    volume= 0
    moment = App.Vector(0., 0., 0.)
    def wrappedGCG(obj): 
        nonlocal volume, moment
        if hasattr(obj, 'Shape'):
            shape = obj.Shape
            if hasattr(shape, 'CenterOfMass'):
                print(f'{obj.Name}  {vectorRound(globalCG(obj, True), nDec)}')
                volume += shape.Volume
                moment += globalCG(obj, True).multiply(shape.Volume)
                for obj1 in obj.OutList:
                    if hasattr(obj1, 'Shape'):
    return (volume, moment)

def vectorRound(v, n):
    '''Round the output of App.Vector v to n dec places'''
    return App.Vector(round(v.x, n), round(v.y, n), round(v.z, n))
isGlobal = False
nDec = 3
selt = Gui.Selection.getSelectionEx()
if len(selt) != 1:
    print('Select one vertex, edge or object\nor three vertices for center of circle')
    shift = App.Vector(0, 0, 0)  # bail and do nothing  
    sel = selt[0]
    if sel.HasSubObjects:
        vv = sel.SubObjects
        if len(vv) ==3 and vv[0].ShapeType == 'Vertex' and   vv[1].ShapeType == 'Vertex' and vv[2].ShapeType == 'Vertex':
            shift = circumcenter(vv[0].Point, vv[1].Point, vv[2].Point)
            if debug: print('Three Vertices')
        elif len(vv) == 1: 
            selected = sel.SubObjects[0]
            if selected.ShapeType == 'Vertex':
                shift = selected.Point
                if debug: print('One vertex')
            elif selected.ShapeType == 'Edge':
                if selected.Curve.TypeId == 'Part::GeomCircle':    #circles and arcs
                     shift = selected.Curve.Center
                     if debug: print('One arc')      
                elif selected.Curve.TypeId == 'Part::GeomLine':
                    shift = (selected.valueAt(selected.FirstParameter) + selected.valueAt(selected.LastParameter))/2 # mid-point
                    if debug: print('One line')
                    print(f'edge is {selected.Curve.TypeId} not handled')
                    shift = App.Vector(0, 0, 0)  # bail and do nothing
            elif selected.ShapeType == 'Face':
                shift = selected.CenterOfMass #center of face
                if debug: print('One face')
                print(f'ShapeType {selected.ShapeType} not handled')
                shift = App.Vector(0, 0, 0)  # bail and do nothing
            print('Wrong number of Selections')
            shift = App.Vector(0, 0, 0)  # bail and do nothing
        if debug: print(f'ObjectName is {sel.ObjectName}')
        #if sel.ObjectName[0:11] == 'BaseFeature':
        if hasattr(sel.Object, 'Shape'):
            if debug: print('One solid')
            shape = sel.Object.Shape
            if shape.ShapeType == 'Solid' or shape.ShapeType == 'Shell':
                shift = shape.CenterOfMass
            elif shape.ShapeType == 'Compound' or shape.ShapeType == 'CompSolid':
                #shift = centerofmass(shape.SubShapes)
                vol, mom = globalGCGHierarchy(sel.Object)
                shift = mom.multiply(1./vol)  # global!
                isGlobal = True
            #more cases?
                print(f'Object ShapeType {sel.Object.Shape.ShapeType} not handled')
                shift = App.Vector(0, 0, 0)  # bail and do nothing                
            print(f'{sel.ObjectName} is not a shape')
            shift = App.Vector(0, 0, 0)  # bail and do nothing

pl = App.ActiveDocument.getObject(sel.ObjectName).Placement
gpl = App.ActiveDocument.getObject(sel.ObjectName).getGlobalPlacement()
gplr = gpl.multiply(pl.inverse())
if isGlobal:
    shift = gplr.inverse().multVec(shift) # global shift in LCS
print(f'Shift = {vectorRound(shift,nDec)}')
locorigin = gplr.inverse().multVec(App.Vector(0., 0., 0.)) #global origin in LCS
App.ActiveDocument.openTransaction('Undo Move to Origin')


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